Friday, May 22, 2009

One week post-op

One week down and things are going GREAT! We have drastically reduced the amount of pain medication he was on and taken him off of the Valium completely and he is doing AMAZING. I think he can handle a bit of pain/discomfort SO much more than he could handle the side effects of the medications. It is such a relief to see the old, upbeat, funny Jack back! It's like someone flipped a switch. The poor guy...that medication was messing with him!

Yesterday was busy. We hung out in the clubhouse of the swingset making and painting our volcano. And legoes. Lots and lots of legoes. He fell asleep doing legoes and woke up wanting to finish them! Good sign!

We got to participate in a chat last night with a limb lengthening specialist from Baltimore. His clinic does a huge amount of the lengthenings done in the US each year. Anyway, it was neat to read get his opinion on lengthenings and how they should be done. The biggest thing I took away from it is we need to up his vitamin supplements. He already is on Calcium and Vitamin D, but we need to up his dosage a bit. The doctor also recommended during the lengthening portion of this process to keep the leg elevated as much as possible. So it was nice to learn a few things...even if it was at 11 pm!

We talked to Dr. Kogan yesterday. She loves Jack, Jon overheard her telling the anesthesiologist in the OR that he was her favorite patient (how could he NOT be???) She's great, she's given us her phone number with strict intstructions to call her directly whenever...don't bother dealing with the residents. Which, of course, is awesome...but the comment about the residents made us laugh. Anyway, we feel so fortunate to have her. In fact, she just called to check up on Jack and see how he's doing.

Obviously we are just thrilled with his progress. What a difference a few days makes. We could not be prouder of our little man!

For those that asked...Jon was shopping for home decor, not balloons and streamers! Jack told him yesterday he's turning into a woman! He's gone to Bed, Bath, and Beyond twice by himself!!!! And yesterday, he even hit the craft store and the greenhouse. I think he's been taking some of that medication, he's acting awfully loopy :)


  1. What a fantastic update! So good to hear that your week is getting better.

    Makes me all teary eyed.
    I just couldn't be happier for all.

  3. Yay! I'm so happy to hear that. :)
