Sunday, May 31, 2009

4 mm

We're slowly growing over here. Things are going okay. The turnings are not going as smooth and pain-free as we were hoping they would be. Jack has some pain and discomfort in the back of his upper leg while we’re doing the actual turning. It’s ending up to be quite the ordeal every morning, which we are all disapointed about. He’s definitely had a bit of a set back in how he’s feeling since we’ve started doing the lengthening. I think that makes sense, it’s got to take quite the toll on his body each day. He’s complaining a bit more about pain, but we’re trying to keep him off of the pain medication. It zaps his appetite, and he’s barely eating anything. I think right now we all feel a little bummed but we’re hopeful that his body just needs to adjust to this process and things will improve. He is enjoying the thought that his leg is growing. He sticks his fingers between the growing space between the rods and you can tell he’s thrilled about that!

We’re hoping to get him started in some massage therapy this week. I really think the sitting all day is tightening up his whole body. A good massage should help with that. He tells me he wants to do it, but I have a feeling he’ll spend the entire time giggling! Tomorrow we start physical therapy. He’s been with this therapist for a while, so I’m hoping things go smoothly. I think it’s going to help so much with some of his pain.

So, that’s where things are for us today. This entire process is a roller coaster, we are learning. I have a feeling these months will be filled with really good days and really bad days. Let’s just hope the good outnumber the bad!


  1. Well, I know it's not even CLOSE to the same, but my son has a palate spreader in for his braces, and the first few days were pretty painful, but it did get better. Hopefully you have the same luck!

  2. well crap!
    Hopefully like you said. This will improve with time.
    I can picture the giggling. I hope he enjoys the massage.
    I hope the first day of pt goes well. I'm sure it will be hard but it will be good to get all his parts moving again.

    I'm so proud of you Jack! You're so strong and brave.

  3. I hope the PT goes well. I think you are right, I bet his hamstring is super tight from just sitting all the time. Looks like things are going great. (and I LOVE Max's hair!)
