Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started

Jack took the news of the change of plans well. Of course, that could have something to do with the fact that I told him on our way to Toys R Us to buy him whatever he wanted. We're not above out-right bribery in this house.

We're set to go tomorrow at 10:30. Which means if we are in the OR by noon, it'll be a miracle. The surgery is about 3 hours long, so hopefully by early afternoon it will be over. And then, we can all breathe.

My brother Rick will be updating the blog as soon as Jack is out of the OR and we see him. So, please excuse any spelling or grammer mistakes that he makes (just kidding Rick) :)

Jack's last day of Kindergarten was today. He was sad to say good-bye, but excited to hear that he can spend the next few months in his pajamas :)

Jack had his first surgery on May 9th, 2003. He was 6 weeks old and was sedated and intubated for 10 hours for hip/foot surgery and an MRI of his spine and brain. I remember thinking that day that it would be so much easier to do this if he were older and we could explain to him what was happening. Now, he's 6 years old and I can't help but think this was so much easier when he was a baby. Truth is, it's never been easy to do this and it never will be. But this surgery has been hanging over our heads for 6 years now and it will feel soooo good tomorrow to check it off the list. I know we have a lot of support and prayer and we appreciate that more deeply than I can put into words. Please know that despite the worries that we carry we are filled with excitement and celebration right now. Jon and I are very strong parents, and we have been blessed with a son that has more strength and courage than anyone I know. Add in his fabulous sense of humor...and he's going to be a real catch someday!

Thank you to everyone that follows our blog. We promise to updated it often throughout this journey. We also wanted to say a big thank you to my parents and my sister's family...they'll be keeping our little ones all weekend. It is a relief to know they are in good hands and we don't have to worry about them. Please don't send them home too spoiled!!!


  1. Heidi I'll be thinking of you all.
    Jack is such a great little man!
    I know you and Jon couldn't be more proud.
    I'll be with ya on your left.

  2. We'll all be thinking of you tomorrow!

  3. Heidi...lots of prayers and hugs sent your way. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Jack is seriously a rockstar!!!

  4. I love you guys, good luck tomorrow!!


  5. jack (the coolest kid we know)

    we just wanted to say good luck. we know you're gonna do great! can't wait to see you soon!

    the kuester fam
