Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good Question Buddy

We all seem to have this looming surgery on the mind. It's very frustrating because I am constantly thinking about it...the recovery, how the little kids will do without Jon and I for a few days, transportation afterwards, etc etc etc. Last night at dinner we had this conversation:

Jack: Mommy, I can't stop thinking about my surgery.
Me: You need to find something to do to keep your mind off of it.
Jack: I know, but even when I play legoes, I'm thinking about it.
Me: Jack the surgery is going to happen whether you worry about it for the next 2.5 weeks or whether you don't worry. So, you really should just stop thinking about it.
Jack: I know. But how do I do that?

Good question buddy, wish I had the answer.


  1. He is such a brave boy! Nice blog and can't wait to see more!

    Mindy & Ellie

  2. Heidi!! You did a great job setting all this up. Although I know you guys and Jack's history, your posts still bring tears to my eyes reading how he is trying to deal and cope. I have a note on my computer that now says, "Pray for Jack, The Cool Kid" I am praying for you all. God will come through and His Spirit will be your comfort and guide through all of this. Remember HE is as close as the mention of His Name...."Jesus!" Love you guys!!!!

  3. I see we won't forget the surgery date--that is Emma's 6th birthday. If Jack ever wants a pen pal or e-mail pal, let me know! I'm sure Emma would love it. Jack can share some Super Mario Bros secrets with her. ;)

    I know how you feel about leaving the other ones. Before Leah was born I hadn't been away from Emma for more than a few hours. That changed dramatically, but with help from family and friends we were fine.

    Good luck! We will be following the Cool Kid and his family! :)
