Friday, July 31, 2009

Week of Progress

Wow, what a great week! The bike riding was the start of a week that just got better and better. On Wednesday, we went to the water park. While in the wave pool, Jack decided to stand on both legs. This is a HUGE obstacle (more mental than physical) and showing his progression towards walking. He is so excited to see Pat (swim therapist) on Monday to show her. He already told her about it, but I think he’s dying to prove to her that he CAN do it!

Wednesday afternoon we got a package in the mail. In it was…..fuzzy crocs. This kid has been dying for a pair of these for years now. He put them on and says “this surgery was so worth it.” Really, I mean, really…..all this for fuzzy crocs?!?!?! He has not taken them off and seeing as it is July those crocs are going to have a major funk soon. He loves them so much, he washes them at night with baby wipes.
Here’s Jack with his “Boston Red” fuzzy crocs. We’re going to Fenway Park in a couple of weeks and he can’t wait to wear them there!

Thursday at PT was amazing. Before surgery Jack used to do the leg press machine. Something like this (less the 45 pound weights).

On Thursday he told Nicki he wanted to do it. She told him she didn’t think he’d be able too (NOT the thing to tell this kid). He hopped on and started doing presses. I was in the other room at the time, and she comes running in saying “Heidi, you have GOT to see this.” All 3 of his PT’s happened to be in the clinic on Thursday and they were all so happy to see his progress in 2 weeks. It’s so neat to listen to them talk about how amazing he is. I can see the satisfaction and rewards that THEY are getting out of making such a big positive change in a kid’s life.

I want to pass along a quote that someone sent me (thanks Aunt Dori!!!) I love it, it gives me goosebumps and tears in my eyes. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it, but I’m going to do something special…I love it so much!

That’s just pain, she said. It goes eventually. And when it’s gone there’s no lasting memory. Not the worst of it anyway. It fades. Our minds aren’t made to hold on the particulars of pain the way we do bliss. It’s a gift God gives us, a sign of his care for us. ~Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier

On a funny note….the 3rd time I read that quote, my thought was “no kidding, that’s why women can have more than one child!”

And here's some pictures that show our kids' reactions when as the cement truck pulled into our yard yesterday. Even Amelia was memorized....


  1. LOVE the Crocs Jack!! They're awesome. Alexa wants a pair too.
    I absolutly love your determination!

  2. I am so glad to see Jack in a pair of Crocs.


  3. I just can't help but smile when I see his smile! Hey fuzzy Crocs are the best! What a kid will go through for a pair of cool shoes : )
